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Stop Payment - ACH

things to know...

Terms and Conditions:

For the ACH stop payment request the undersigned agrees and understands:

  1. The stop payment fee(s) will be deducted from the KCCU account listed above and the order will not be in effect until such fee is paid. See fee schedule posted on credit union's website.

  2. This stop payment request shall remain in effect until the earlier of (1) the withdrawal of the stop payment order by the account holder, or (2) the return of the debit entry, or, where a stop payment order is applied to more than one debit entry under a specific authorization involving a specific Payee/Originator, the return of all such debit entries. 

  3. Electronic Forms Submission Agreement

* Required Fields

Submit the information below to stop an ACH transaction. Please note that this process could take up to 24-48 hours to process. If you need immediate assistance, contact a Member Service Representative at 269.968.9251.

Request must be received at least 5 business days before the ACH item is expected to post/clear.

Next Payment Only: Stop payment remains in effect only until the item is returned or stop is revoked.

All Future Payments: Member certifies the originator of the item has been directly contacted to revoke authorization. (non-consumer accounts - 6 months)

Please select one of the following:

I am agreeing to the terms and conditions, listed under "Things to Know"

Security Code: