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shared branching

what is shared branching?

Credit Union Shared Branching is a service that lets credit union members use branches of other credit unions to conduct business. If you can’t make it to your credit union’s branch, you’ll be able to complete most transactions at a different credit union (assuming both credit unions participate in shared branching –which many of them do).

KCCU participates in two different Shared Branching Networks – Co-Op Shared Branching and Xtend Shared Branching.

Co-Op Shared branch  

What you can do at a Co-Op Shared Branch:

  • Deposits and withdrawals
  • Loan payments and balance inquiries
  • Money orders and cashier’s checks
  • Access to 30,000 ATMs nationwide

Locate a Co-Op Shared Branch

To locate a Credit Union Service Center near you, visit the Co-Op Locator or download the app by searching for Co-Op Shared Branching on iTunes and Google Play.

Co-Op Shared Branching is available at the following KCCU location.

  • Downtown Battle Creek - 51 W Michigan Ave, Battle Creek, MI 49017

xTend Shared branch

KCCU is also part of the Xtend Shared Branching Network. This network serves thousands of members in over 10 states with over 200 branch locations; many of them are located right here in Michigan.

What you can do at a Xtend Shared Branch:

  • Deposits and withdrawals
  • Check cashing
  • Account to account transfers
  • Loan payments and balance inquiries
  • Money orders 

Locate an Xtend Shared Branch. Visit Xtend CU Shared Branch or download the app by searching for Xtendcu on the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon.