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savings accounts

A down payment on a house, a new car, a dream vacation, a wedding, or a college education: whatever you are saving for, KCCU has a savings account to help you reach your goal.

regular savings accounts

KCCU membership requires a regular savings account with a minimum deposit of just $5.00, which is equal to one share in the credit union, making you an owner.

Save to Win® 

This unique savings account combines the benefits of a regular savings account with the exciting opportunity to win monthly, quarterly, and yearly cash prizes. Learn more...

secondary savings accounts

KCCU members may open secondary savings accounts for budgeting purposes or to save for special purchases such as large purchases, a vacation, wedding, car, etc.

kasasa saver® account

Free Kasasa Saver® is saving simplified. It links to your free Kasasa Cash® or Kasasa Cash Back® checking to help you save effortlessly every month. Learn more...

christmas club account

A Christmas Club Account is a great way for members to save money throughout the year to help with your holiday expenses.

dollar dog youth account 

KCCU’s Dollar Dog Kids Club is the perfect way to teach kids ages 12 and younger the value of saving money.

elementstm teen account

elements teen account helps teens better understand how to make, save, spend, borrow, and invest money in a smart way. The elements teen program offers web pages, blogs, and pod casts to help educate youth on managing money.

benefits of a KCCU savings account

  • Competitive dividend rate
  • Interest accrues daily, paid quarterly
  • No minimum balance requirement
  • Make deposits anytime, all year long
  • Make withdraws anytime without penalty.

how to open a savings account

Apply on-line

Or, simply stop in at any of our branches or call a Member Service Representative at 269.968.9251.