What if the information provided by SavvyMoney Credit Score appears to be wrong or inaccurate?
The SavvyMoney Credit Score makes its best effort to show you the most relevant information from your credit report. If you think that some of the information is wrong or inaccurate, we encourage you to take advantage of obtaining free credit reports from www.annualcreditreport.com, and then pursuing with each bureau individually. Each bureau has its own process for correcting inaccurate information but every user can “File a Dispute” by clicking on the “Dispute” link within their SavvyMoney Credit Report. However, The Federal Trade Commission website offers step-by-step instructions on how to contact the bureaus and correct errors.
- If KCCU doesn’t use SavvyMoney Credit Score to make loan decisions, why do we offer it?
- Is there a fee for SavvyMoney?
- Who can sign up for SavvyMoney?
- What is SavvyMoney Credit Report?
- There is a section on the site that features both KCCU product offers and financial education articles. Why am I seeing this?