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plans to travel?

Please notify KCCU of your travel plans to avoid service interruption of your credit card or debit cards.

how to set a travel notification

online banking user

If you are an online banking member, you can submit a "travel notification" from within  ItsMe247 online banking. Simply log in, then go to the Member Services drop down menu > Travel Notifcations to access the travel notification form.

not an online banking user?

If you are not an online banking user, then please contact a KCCU at 269.968.9251 or stop into any one of our convenient branches.

important numbers

It’s also a good idea to keep the Fraud Services phone number in a safe place as you travel so you can confirm transactions if needed. To verify Visa Platinum card transactions: for a chip card, please call 800-889-5280. For further assistance, please see our complete Visa Contact List.