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Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day2/17/2021

Random Acts of Kindness


Sometimes it’s the smallest act that makes the biggest impact – something as simple as a smile, has the power to turn a day around. Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated annually on February 17. Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages people all over the country to be altruistic to friends, coworkers, and even strangers. We should all use this day to bring a smile to someone’s face without expecting anything in return.

Here are some ideas to help you show kindness on Random Acts of Kindness Day, or any day of the year to bring cheer to others! A little kindness goes a long way.

What you can do

Anonymous act of goodwill

You can stick a quarter into a parking meter that is nearing expiration, shovel a neighbors sidewalk or driveway, leave treats on your neighbors or friends door step, or leave a note on someone’s windshield at the grocery store or where you work telling them to have a nice day.

Thank the teacher

Call your child’s teacher to thank them for all they do for your son or daughter.


Take a shift at the local soup kitchen for the day, animal shelter, senior center.  There are even volunteer positions you can do virtually, such as reading to children via zoom! Search for volunteer opportunities near you with

Thank a community worker

Have you told your mail carrier how much you appreciate their hard work? Show your appreciation with a warm drink, a homemade pastry or just a sincere thank you.

Call a relative

Pick up the phone and let someone know how much they mean to you.

Donate Money

How much did you spend on your dinner today? Donate a matching amount to your favorite charity.

Donate Items

Donate canned goods to your local food bank or gently used items to Salvation Army, Goodwill, or other charitable organizations.

Donate Blood

By providing your life-saving blood can help trauma victims, surgery patients, premature babies, and people with anemia right in your own community.

Do something special for your family

Charity begins at home. Have a family game night, bake a special dessert, or spend time just listening to a loved one without judgement.

Pay it Forward

Pick up the tab for the person behind you in the coffee or fast-food drive thru. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store.

Call your parents

Let your parents know you appreciate them.

Write to a soldier

Write a letter to a deployed member of the military through Operation Gratitude.

Compliment a stranger. 

It's always nice to give and receive kind words. 

Smile at everyone you meet

Never underestimate the power a smile can have to turn someone's day around!

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